Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Black Pawn White Pawn Essay Example For Students

Dark Pawn: White Pawn Essay Have you at any point played a chess game? Its a round of technique and speedy deduction to move the sovereignty ably, continually focusing on crushing the rival side. Eiter side can relinquish the life of their lord and sovereign with one exorbitant move. The pawns are the immaterial pieces used to spare the most significant pieces. In Arthur Millers The Crucible, the chess game depicts the unfortunate Salem witch chases in which guiltless livews were made casualty of tis insidious game began by Abigail, Betty, and Mary Warrens bogus allegations. These three lied and bamboozled to get away from an admission for their wicked activities. It was their cries that started the perilous game, however whos under control at long last? The principal move was made by Betty and Abigail, who were discovered moving in the forested areas by Reverend Paris. He started blaming them for rehearsing dim expressions. Betty had pretended an incredible lokking disease to abstain from saying anything regarding the episode. She played the powerless youngster until Abigail had left upon her arrangement. Tituba was available and the young ladies had been moving to evoke the dead of Goody Proctor. When Tituba entered the scene, Abigail made her turn. She blamed Tituba for causing them to do awful things, for example, drink blood, and why Betty was wiped out. Tituba, be that as it may, didn't subject herself as a powerless casualty of Abigails wiped out game. Tituba curved the falsehood aroun so it was for her advantage, in the event that she admitted she would be pardoned. She saw her chance for a counter move and took it. Abigail had the fingers pointing at her and Betty once more. Abigail made a perilous turn. She and Betty blamed Goody Good, Goody Osburn, Bridget Bishop, George Jacobs, Goody Howe, Martha Bellows, Goody Sibber, Alice Barrow, Goody Hawkins, Goody Bibber, and Goody Booth of being witches. Abigail and Betty had figured out how to remove themselves from peril, yet left them in a progressively careful state for their next strike. Eleven lives charged for their valuable two. The setting of the board was in Abigails favor. The town authorities had acknowledged each word poured from their mouth as reality. Again Abigail made a shrewd move. Mary Warren, one of Abigails pawns, was sent to give Goody Proctor a doll. A doll took after a charm of anybody the proprietor of the appeal wished to exact torment on. Cheever, an authority of the court, later appeared at the Proctors entryway with a warrant for Elizabeths capture. Abigail had censured her for endeavored murder by utilization of a doll. Abigail had made a penance of one of her pawns to take out Goody Proctor. Abigail had punctured herself with a needle. Mary Warren, in her admission, had not referenced Abigails plan of the appeal. She swore that she made the doll and put the needle in the center. Delegate move was to drive Mary Warren to admit. Delegate move was to drive Mary Warren to admit. Delegate had taken out one of Abigails dark pawns. Betty doesn't come into te game any longer, yet her implicating scs were harming. Each allegation made had been bogus; to keep the sovereign and her pawns alive. Mary Warren, however she attempted to turn the table, had done her part: Even however she admitted herself to the creation of the doll supposedly Elizabeths, there were her cases of seeing underhandedness spirits and swooning saw by the individuals who went to the court. This can be abbreviated as, Every time you accomplish something great, they easily forget. Each time you do someting terrible, they always remember. Due to the trickeries of Abigail and Betty, and Mary Warrens credulity, the townsmen were powerless to any story come clean with and not, which at this point, had cost the lives of a critical number of individuals. 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Here's A Simple Test EssayBettys demonstration of infection, their incriminatin tongues, Mary Warrens tagalong; every one of the a game. A lot is on the line Whose move right? Childrens facts distort. The Black pawn moves Who will it be? Perhaps youre the close incredible. Finally everything boiled down to a showdown. Delegate, Mary Warren, Abigail, and the authorities of the court. The White Royalty made their turn. They had Mary Warren admit and sign to her blame, putting the weight on Abigail. Abigail was not one to be placed in a tight position. She embraced Bettys system and started to imagine Mary Warren was sending her soul out to decimate her as a winged animal. Delegate and Mary Warren right away started denying these signs, yet Mary Warren debilitated and couldn't drive herself to hold fast any longer. Mary Warren, with all the reciting, shouting, and frenzy, came up short on the court. The White Players had limited to two: Proctor and Elizabeth. Checkmate. Frantically Proctor Confessed his liable demonstrations with Abigail in order to take her down. Clearly this couldn't stand any kind of test; it was his assertion against hers. Delegate said Elizabeth, his better half, would come clean. The White Queen and Black Queen under control. Elizabeth, lamentably, needed to spare her spouses great name however without much of any result. The White Queen is out of the game. Such a large number of untruths, no space for truth. Betty, Abigail, and Mary Warren crushed the unadulterated. Lie against Truth. Trickery versus Reality. A virtual game constrained by the players. Dark Pawn versus White Pawn. Thirty-nine lives attempted, just a couple lived. Delegate couldn't give whatever else however his life.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Management Principles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

The executives Principles - Essay Example This report distinguishes the points of interest and drawbacks of the lifetime work model and offers exercises for today’s supervisors who are as yet considering utilizing this lifetime business framework. At the point when workers are given lifetime work ensures, the business must think about its obligations as far as the law. Gibson and Piscitelli (1997) offer that business heads must be cautious about specific explanations which are made which can be deciphered by workers to imply that their employments will consistently be secure. In one enormous, global business condition, a business administrator, in passing work environment conversation, told his representative that â€Å"we will resign together†. This announcement was made in a situation where no such lifetime work ensures were a piece of the plan of action, anyway the worker had the option to persuade the legitimate framework that a lifetime work contract was inferred, along these lines forcing critical ramifications for the business. Despite the fact that this was not a business where lifetime work was being offered to representatives, it will in general delineate the significance of thinking about the legitimate duties of these understandings. Repa and Stewart (1999) offer that the biggest lawful hazard is when workers start to see that agreements exist among themselves and the business element, along these lines the formation of a suggested agreement becomes reason for lawful questions. In a business where lifetime work is a piece of the plan of action, organizations must consider the dangers of these kinds of understandings as representatives have significant legitimate assets accessible if representatives see penetrates of these agreements, regardless of whether inferred or dependent on composed worker contracts. The business should likewise think about that, when offering lifetime work ensures, the present commercial center or financial conditions won't generally, later on, be good

Monday, August 17, 2020

The Short Guide to Getting Rid of Your Crap

The Short Guide to Getting Rid of Your Crap I recently teamed up with one of my favorite writers, New York Times-bestselling author Julien Smith, to write an essay, The Short, 16-Step Guide to Getting Rid of Your Crap, for his popular blog. I hope you enjoy it. Subscribe to The Minimalists via email.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Macbeth- General Information, Rough Essay - 1398 Words

then is revealed as being weak and easily manipulated. He then descends into become a murderous madman. one realizes Macbeth’s transformation into one of drama’s most infamous villains coincides with a profound transformation of his conscience—to a point where he has none at all. Throughout the play Macbeth makes a journey from following a moral ethic, implementing a flawed ethic, and arriving to a point where he had none at all. When comparing Banquo and Macbeth, after they meet the weird sisters, one see’s that Banquo adheres to warrior ethics where Macbeth moves away from it. At the start of the play Macbeth was idolised by everyone and thought to have been a man of very great power whom could be defeated by nobody: â€Å"All is too weak†¦show more content†¦He also interprets the prophecies and tells his wife a slightly changed version. He addresses her ‘’my dearest partner in greatness’’ and seems to be sincere. Lady Macbeth, however, is determined that her husband becomes king. she says that Macbeth lacks the qualities necessary to assassinate Duncan without remorse or regret: ‘’yet do I fear thy nature, it is too full o’th’milk of human-kindness to catch the nearest way’’ .she hen prays for supernatural help to take away all of her feminine qualities and basically any traits of conscience: ‘’ unsex me he re, and fill me from the crown to the toe top full of direst cruelty!’’, ‘’stop up th’access and passage to remorse’’, ‘’that my keen knife see not the wound it makes’’. After Macbeth arrives, Lady Macbeth is telling him to ‘’look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under’t’’ and to Leave all the rest to me This implicates her in the murdering of Duncan and shows us that she is taking the responsibility. She is essentially taking over. After the King arrives at the castle and prepares to sleep peacefully, Macbeth is still debating how he can achieve the crown without getting caught. He doesn’t want to do it personally; he wants to get it over with:’’ If it were done, when’tis done, then ‘twere done well it were done quickly’ andShow MoreRelatedEnglish Reflection924 Words   |  4 Pagestricks to write more appealing essays. To make our essays better, our class has learn daily words to improve our vocabulary skills. In addition to learning new words, our class would create a sentence using the word helps us understand the word better to allow use to use them in our own sentences. Some examples of these words include, irresolute, consecrate, escarpment, monolithic, incandescent, and much more. Although our class spend numerous hours perfecting our essays, Mrs.Yu had us research andRead MoreHow to Write a Research Paper11497 Words   |  46 Pagesteachers from both Cranston High School East and Cranston High School West prepared this booklet for students learning the fundamentals of research paper writing. Much of the material was gleaned from sources listed on the acknowledgements page. The information chosen is considered suitable to fulfill the instructional needs of the teachers and to facilitate practical use by the students. 1. Topic Selection Topic selection will vary with the teacher or the course. If you are given a choice ofRead More Shakespeares Hamlet - A Clear Revenge Tragedy? Essay1974 Words   |  8 Pagesrevenge-tragic aspect of the Shakespearean play Hamlet is explicitly presented. Some is disguised as straight tragedy, for example, Ophelia’s insanity and death; and some is implied tragedy found in the history of verbal allusions.    In the essay â€Å"An Explication of the Player’s Speech,† Harry Levin discusses the implied tragic dimension of the â€Å"Hecuba† soliloquy:    But the lyrical note can prevail no more than the epical, since Shakespeare’s form is basically tragic; and here his classicalRead More Revenge and Vengeance in Shakespeares Hamlet - Pure Revenge Tragedy?1932 Words   |  8 PagesHamlet – the Revenge Tragedy?  Ã‚        Ã‚  Ã‚   A baffling array of considerations relevant to the revenge aspect of Shakespeare’s tragic drama Hamlet make an essay on this topic an interesting experience.    Ruth Nevo in â€Å"Acts III and IV: Problems of Text and Staging† explains the uncertain place which revenge occupies within the hero’s most famous soliloquy:    And conversely, because self-slaughter is the ostensible subject of the whole disquisition, we cannot read the speech simplyRead MoreEssay on Revenge and Vengeance in Shakespeares Hamlet1913 Words   |  8 Pagesmay have some secret, some unimaginable truth to bring relief from those ‘thoughts beyond the reaches of our souls’, an explanation why things are as they are and a directive for meaningful action. To his demands in both their specific and their general senses he receives, or thinks he receives, a more than sufficient response (66-67). The ghost’s injunction exacerbates Hamlet’s situation (Mack 258). He feigns an â€Å"antic disposition† to disguise his intentions. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern interrogateRead Moreshakespeare influences16068 Words   |  65 PagesQUESTION 5. SIGNIFICANCE AND RATIONALE 6. ANALYSIS 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. ABSTRACT This thesis analysis the textual and symbolic similarities between Shakespeare s tragedies Macbeth and Hamlet and William Faulkner s the sound and the furry and Absalom, Absalom!. Faulkner absorbed essential characteristics of Shakespearean tragedies and utilized them consciously and unconsciously in the creation of his own tragic figures. ComparisonRead MoreProject Managment Case Studies214937 Words   |  860 Pages incidental, consequential, or other damages. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Kansas City Zephyrs Baseball Club Case - 677 Words

KANSAS CITY ZEPHYRS BASEBALL CLUB This case illustrates some basic accounting issues in a controversial setting. There are two parties in the case, which are Owner-Player Committee (OPC) – owners’ representative of the 26 major baseball league teams in collective bargaining negotiations and Professional Baseball Association (PBPA) – the player’s union. As we know, the baseball team owners and the players association were engaged in collective bargaining negotiations, so Bill met with Keith (Zephyrs Owner) and Paul (player). In my view, I think Paul (the player) is right, and I want to explain in 5 areas as following: Roster Depreciation The owners point out depreciation on the player roster at the time the baseball club was†¦show more content†¦The owners are allegedly â€Å"losing money† since they have selected accounting methods to hide their profits. Only 80% of the stadium operations expenses should be shown as only 2 of the owners actually profit from the stadium-pricing agreement. I believe the Paul (the play) is right, because in reality the owners are not losing any money as they so claim, but instead covering their profits with aShow MoreRelatedEssay on Case Analysis 10-3 Kansas City Zephyrs Baseball Club, Inc.1727 Words   |  7 Pagesperiodic net income numbers if the clubs can always be sold for huge profits? How should Bill Ahern resolve the accounting conflict between the owners and players? How much did the Kansas City Zephyrs Baseball Club earn in 1983 and 1984? Facts This case shows that how different accounting methods can lead a company to different positions. That is what Bill Ahern was selected on April 9 to focus on reviewing the finances of the Kansas City Zephyrs Baseball Club, Inc., which was bought on NovemberRead MoreCase Analysis 10-3 Kansas City Zephyrs Baseball Club, Inc. Essay1719 Words   |  7 Pagesperiodic net income numbers if the clubs can always be sold for huge profits? How should Bill Ahern resolve the accounting conflict between the owners and players? How much did the Kansas City Zephyrs Baseball Club earn in 1983 and 1984? Facts This case shows that how different accounting methods can lead a company to different positions. That is what Bill Ahern was selected on April 9 to focus on reviewing the finances of the Kansas City Zephyrs Baseball Club, Inc., which was bought on NovemberRead MoreKansas City Zephyrs Assignment812 Words   |  4 PagesIn the case study of the Kansas City Zephyrs Baseball Club, Inc. Bill Ahern the arbitrator was assigned to resolve the issue on the parties’ agreeing on the true profitability of the major league baseball teams. Both Zephyr’s owners and players disagree on three different areas: a) Roster depreciation, b) Overstated Player Salary Expense which entails current signing bonuses, roster salary, amortization of and non-roster guaranteed contract expense; and c) Related-Party Transactions (Stadium Operations)Read MoreKansas City Zephyrs Case646 Words   |  3 PagesKansas City Zephyrs Case This case is a good example of the â€Å"earnings game†. A dispute arose between the baseball team owners and the players association on the true profitability of the baseball business. The case describes 3 main areas for which the accounting is being disputed: * Roster depreciation * Player compensation * Current Roster Salary - Deferred Compensation * Amortization of Signing Bonuses * Non-Roster Guaranteed Roster Expense * Transfer pricingRead MoreApple Case -â€Å"Taking a Bite Out of the Competition† Essay873 Words   |  4 PagesApple Inc. 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In this case three problems are under the scrutiny of the arbiter: roster depreciation, player compensation and the transfer pricing of related party operation, thus issues regarding the stadium cost. Players and owners are struggling againstRead MoreDarden Mba Resumes16768 Words   |  68 Pagesscholarship); ï‚ · GMAT: 730; AWA: 5.5 ï‚ · Member of Finance Club, Energy Club and Darden Capital Management Club Charlottesville, VA Nanyang Technological University Singapore Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Engineering) and Minor in Business, June 2006 ï‚ · Awarded full scholarship (among top 50 from over 10,000 candidates) ï‚ · Received First Class Honors (top degree distinction, GPA: 3.95). Dean s list holder (among top 5%) ï‚ · President of NTU Apex Club (premier club for computer programming enthusiasts); spearheaded

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

How Poverty and Poor Education Affects Life Free Essays

Getting an education is considered a blessing too many, in America many of us believe that everybody should get equality when it comes down to education, but is that really the case? I believe that education is something that many of us take advantage of, especially when you are a kid and you think your education is free and you dread waking up early in the morning for school. Though, when you grow older we are glad that we have received an education and we can contribute to new technology, or we have the opportunity to create a top selling novel, learn about the history of the world, or just knowing why the sky is blue. We all know, and if you don’t you should, that many of the poorer regions in the world don’t receive a proper education, but could living in a poorer region of the United States of America affect your opportunity for education? I hold this to be true. We will write a custom essay sample on How Poverty and Poor Education Affects Life or any similar topic only for you Order Now Many of us believe that we can accomplish just about anything when we set are minds to it, but does this inspirational quote fluctuate when you are poor? Poverty perpetuates poverty and the reason for this is that poverty provides the factors preventing proper education in America (Jayashanker, 2009). Public taxes are mostly funded by property taxes, so if the houses cost less, that means less funding for computers, good teachers, books, and anything else a school need in order to thrive. Also people with money can also obviously hire private tutors. When the No Child Left Behind act was passed in 2002 by George W. Bush, it awarded the schools that preformed better then other school, by awarding them with a source of supplies and materials, while schools that performed unwell, were punished by less funding to the school. I believe that the NCLB act was not reasonable, because the schools that perform better are usually the schools that are in higher income areas, I believe this act w as another reason why poorer people receive less education. Poverty also could have other negative affects on an individual such as; absence of health care, the consumption of less nutritious food, the on going influence to join a gang, or desperate attempts to make money such a robbing and selling drugs. At the same time I do realize that being rich could also have it negative affects such as a less strive to receive and education, because they may feel that they don’t need to, because everything is already given to them on a silver platter, but I believe this to be true to the ones that were spoiled. Bad influences are all around in poverty areas, or the â€Å"ghetto†, these â€Å"bad influences† will usually convince the children in the ghetto region, to do things that severely impact their education, which just adds to the ongoing cycle where the rich stay rich and the poor remain poor. I found a study on, the found statistics that show children living in poverty areas that there 2 times as likely t o repeat a grade, 3.4 times as likely to be expelled from school, being a dropout from the age of 16-24 were 3.5 times as likely, and the chance of them from graduating from a four year college was cut in half. Poor education in children does not just affect them; it affects the rest of the nation. â€Å"Child poverty costs the U.S. about $500 billion a year, the equivalent of nearly 4 percent of the GDP (the total market value of all the goods and services our country produces)† (Baer, 2010). â€Å"Poverty puts children at an unfair disadvantage for future opportunities (Defining Poverty and Why It Matters for Children, 2005)†. I believe that children who are living in poverty areas are lacking the inspiration because of there economic conditions, so I wanted to talk about the story of Oprah Winfrey whose story inspired me to go to college and get an education, and also to strive to become financially successful. Oprah Winfrey was born to a 13 year old mother, In Kosciusko, Mississippi. While growing up she said she learned how, â€Å"to turn misery to wisdom†. She first grew up with her grandmother on a pig farm with no running water. â€Å"She then lived with her mother who moved to Milwaukee where she was sexually abused for the first time by a friend of her family and her own relative (Best Inpirational Stories, 2009)†. Oprah Winfrey, at the age of 14, gave birth to a baby boy, but unfortunately he died a week later. Her mother lost her patience with young Oprah, the result of this was the punishment of sending her to live with her dad. While living with her dad she learned discipline and learned how to use her great intelligence, from potential to kinetic use. At school she was know for her intelligent speaking and she received a scholarship at Tennessee University. She majored in broadcast communication and she scored a job as a reporter at a Nashville TV station. â€Å"Oprah left school at the age of 19 years old to become the first Afro-American woman broadcaster in Nashville (Best Inpirational Stories, 2009)†. She made various amount of mistakes at her new job, she felt exhausted all the time. The Nashville station management team didn’t like her attitude towards the camera; too, on top of that, they didn’t like her â€Å"appearance†. â€Å"They complained about her hair style, her big nose and the distance between her eyes. Tempted to glamourize her appearance, they sent her to a good salon in New York which did a disastrous remodeling that made her hair fall off (Best Inpirational Stories, 2009). She was ranked down from a TV boardcaster to a presenter of the show called â€Å"People Are Talking†, which was basically a talk show for housewives. After seven years of presenting the show â€Å"People Are Talking†, she gained the attention of a station in Chicago. They offered her to be the host of there show called â€Å"A.M. Chicago†, in basically a month she made the show â€Å"A.M. Chicago† to one of the most viewed shows in Chicago. In 1985 the â€Å"A.M. Chicago Show† was rename â€Å"The Oprah Winfrey Show†, and it began to be nationally broadcasted. Oprah said, â€Å"Failure is the way God chooses to remind you that you are on the wrong track†. Despite her troubled childhood the Oprah Winfrey show is one of most nationally viewed shows today. Oprah Winfrey is now estimated at an astonishing $2.4 billion dollars, according to Forbes Magazine. Oprah’s story was inspirational to me, and I hope for many others, to succeed in life. I believe when growing up in a ghetto region there are many roadblocks on receiving a superb education and go to a good college, but this is not impossible, nothing is considered impossible now-a-days, especially in America. It is relevant that as a country we need to break out of the cycle of poverty. Anne C. Lewis suggested that low levels of an individual’s literacy will usually result in low paying jobs. Anne C. Lewis suggests four steps in leading individuals out of the cycle of poverty. â€Å"For young children already in the system, educate their parents, especially the mothers, to the hilt. The educational level of mothers is the most important influence on the educational attainment of children (Lewis 186). Adults need to take advantage of educational programs that are sponsored by the schools. The second step is, â€Å"for welfare mothers (most of them teenagers) who must now make it in the job world, combine educational and contextual training. This means direct education for meaningful job goals. Cognitive researcher Thomas Sticht, drawing on results from the military, business, and education, argues that young people can learn basic skills best when education is embedded in job preparation (Lewis 186). It has been proven that improved literacy skills can raise their productivity levels in the workplace, while it can also increase your child’s vocabulary. The third step is to implant the idea of going to college in the child’s head as early as you can, according to a survey by Educational Longitudinal, students who have thrive to go to college in 8th grade were much more likely to graduate. The fourth and final way to break out of the ongoing cycle of poverty, according to Anne C. Lewis, is to start the development of literacy in the child as soon as they are born. Young parents from poor circumstances ought to leave the hospital as participants in support networks that will help them develop the language abilities of their babies. That support should be consistent and continuous until the school system becomes a partner with parents (Lewis). So basically what I’m trying to say is that poverty does have its severe impact on an individual’s education, but even though it may be harder for a child from the ghetto regions of Los Angeles, California to receive an equal amount of education then a person living in Beverley Hills, California. Just remember that is nothing is impossible in American, and a college education is available to almost anyone! This quote helped me with my education, and I wanted to end my conclusion with this quote, and it states, it’s not about stuffing people’s minds with knowledge. It’s something inspirational and more†¦. It’s about instilling a love for learning. It’s about educating kids from your heart. It’s about teaching others and oneself to learn from mistakes. It’s about encouraging one to have the courage to lead one’s life, and about helping others to raise to a higher level of awareness. When you choose to educate wi th a heart full of love, what you can do will reach far beyond what you can ever imagine. How to cite How Poverty and Poor Education Affects Life, Essay examples

Monday, May 4, 2020

Corporations Law

Question: Discuss about theCorporations Law. Answer: Introduction: Section 198A The section deals with powers of directors and specifies that the affairs of the company should be managed under the directions of the director who can exercise all the powers that have been conferred on them by the Act. These duties that have been given to the directors are a series of statutory, common law and equitable obligations that are owned by them towards the company. The directors are supposed to act for the best interest of the company and bring benefits to the affairs of the company in the dissipation of their duties[1]. The obligation has been imposed to make sure that the essence of corporate governance is met by the directors and they do not act beyond their scope or do not exercise arbitrary power that is not in the best interest of the company. The duty of skill, care and diligence has been imposed to make sure that no unauthorized and inexperienced decisions are taken by the directors. This is because; there are several people who bestow their interests on the direc tors and if they end up acting without showing proper judgmental skills, these people might lose all their assets along with the company[2]. Hence, Section 198A ensures that the directors act under the powers that have been conferred on them and do not exceed their scope. Section 191 Section 1919 of the corporations Act contains a duty of the directors that they need to avoid all those situations where they can have a direct or indirect interest that might come into conflict with the interest of the company. This however does not state that conflicts arising out of companies transactions shall also be covered by it[3]. The essence is that the directors are duty bound to act according to their general duties so that the success of the company can ultimately be promoted. The board holds the responsibility of approving a matter that can conclude that the same is in the interest of the company so that a potential conflicting situation can be avoided and the relevant matter can be decided on such terms so that it brings out the best for the company[4]. This was decided by the senate after several rounds of discussion because there were several instances of insider trading and disclosure of confidential information in the past. However, after the incorporation of this section, the problem has been resolved to certain extent. Section 250R (2) and (3) This section is a part of the Australias Say-on-Pay shareholder voting approach. This regime is an advisory or nonshareholder vote on the remuneration report of the company. The report of the directors for the listed companies must conclusively include all the matters that are set out in 300A of the Act. This was amended by the Corporations Amendment (Improving Accountability on Director and Executive Remuneration) Act 2011 so that a procedure for voting could be provided in relation to the remuneration report in the AGM[5]. The requirement of notice males the directors more accountable in the dissipation of their duties and their obligations are further enhanced under the law in this way. This provides that the directors can no more plans to show some of their expenditures as a part of miscellaneous stuff. All these have to be accounted in the proper way and the responsibility in this matter has been further put on the Chief Financial Officer and the Secretary of the company[6]. Thu s, it can be said that this is an instrument in the hands of the shareholders to ensure that transparency remains in the affairs of the company and directors remain accountable for their actions. References Aier, Jagadison K., Long Chen And Mikhail Pevzner, "Debtholders Demand For Conservatism: Evidence From Changes In Directors Fiduciary Duties" (2014) 52Journal of Accounting Research Braun, D. et al, "When Elites Forget Their Duties: The Double-Edged Sword Of Star Directors On Boards" (2014) 2014Academy of Management Proceedings Keay, Andrew, "The Public Enforcement Of Directors' Duties: A Normative Inquiry" (2014) 43Common Law World Review Lim, Ernest, "Directors' Duties: Improper Purposes Or Implied Terms?" (2013) 34Leg Stud (Soc Leg Scholars) Mamutse, Blanca, "Directors Duties" (2014) 48The Law Teacher Moore, Colin R, "Obligations In The Shade: The Application Of Fiduciary Directors' Duties To Shadow Directors" (2016) 36Legal Studies

Saturday, March 7, 2020

F-100 Super Sabre in the Vietnam War

F-100 Super Sabre in the Vietnam War The North American F-100 Super Sabre was an American fighter aircraft that was introduced in 1954. Capable of supersonic speeds, the F-100 was North Americans successor to the earlier F-86 Sabre which had seen great success during the Korean War. Though plagued by early performance and handling issues, the definitive version of the aircraft, the F-100D, saw extensive use during the Vietnam War both as a fighter and in a ground-support role. The type was phased out of Southeast Asia by 1971 as newer aircraft became available. The F-100 Super Sabre was also utilized by several NATO air forces. Design Development With the success of the F-86 Sabre during the Korean War, North American Aviation sought to refine and improve the aircraft.  In January 1951, the company approached the U.S. Air Force with an unsolicited proposal for a supersonic day fighter that it had dubbed Sabre 45.  This name derived from the fact that the new aircrafts wings possessed a 45-degree sweep.   Mocked up that July, the design was heavily modified before the USAF ordered two prototypes on January 3, 1952.  Hopeful about the design, this was followed by a request for 250 airframes once development was complete.  Designated the YF-100A, the first prototype flew on May 25, 1953.  Using a Pratt Whitney XJ57-P-7 engine, this aircraft achieved a speed of Mach 1.05.   The first production aircraft, a F-100A, flew that October and though the USAF was pleased with its performance, it suffered from several crippling handling issues.  Among these was poor directional stability which could lead to a sudden and unrecoverable yaw and roll.  Explored during the Project Hot Rod testing, this issue led to the death of North Americans chief test pilot, George Welsh, on October 12, 1954.   YF-100A Super Sabre prototype in flight. US Air Force   Another problem, nicknamed the Sabre Dance, emerged as the swept wings had a tendency lose lift in certain circumstances and pitch up the aircrafts nose.  As North American sought remedies for these problems, difficulties with the development of the Republic F-84F Thunderstreak compelled the USAF to move the F-100A Super Sabre into active service.  Receiving the new aircraft, the Tactical Air Command requested that future variants be developed as fighter-bombers capable of delivering nuclear weapons. North American F-100D Super Sabre GeneralLength:  50  ft.Wingspan:  38  ft., 9  in.Height:  16  ft., 2.75  in.Wing Area:  400 sq. ft.Empty Weight:  21,000  lbs.Max Takeoff Weight:  34,832  lbs.Crew:  1PerformanceMaximum Speed:  864  mph (Mach 1.3)Range:  1,995  milesService Ceiling:  50,000  ft.Power Plant:  Ã‚  1 Ãâ€"  Pratt Whitney J57-P-21/21A  turbojetArmamentGuns:  4Ãâ€"  20 mm  Pontiac M39A1  cannonMissiles:  4  Ãƒâ€"  AIM-9 Sidewinder  or  2Ãâ€"  AGM-12 Bullpup  or  2 Ãâ€" or 4 Ãâ€"  LAU-3/A  2.75 unguided rocket dispenserBombs:  7,040 lb.  of weapons Variants The F-100A Super Sabre entered service on September 17, 1954, and continued to be plagued by the issues that arose during development.  After suffering six major accidents in its first two months of operation, the type was grounded until February 1955.  Problems with the F-100A persisted and the USAF phased out the variant in 1958.   In response to TACs desire for a fighter-bomber version of the Super Sabre, North American developed the F-100C which incorporated an improved J57-P-21 engine, mid-air refueling capability, as well as a variety of hardpoints on the wings.  Though early models suffered from many of the F-100As performance issues, these were later reduced through the addition of yaw and pitch dampers.   Continuing to evolve the type, North American brought forward the definitive F-100D in 1956.  A ground attack aircraft with fighter capability, the F-100D saw the inclusion of improved avionics, an autopilot, and the ability to utilize the majority of the USAFs non-nuclear weapons.  To further improve the aircrafts flight characteristics, the wings were lengthened by 26 inches and the tail area enlarged.   While an improvement over the preceding variants, the F-100D suffered from a variety of niggling problems which were often resolved with non-standardized, post-production fixes.  As a result, programs such as 1965s High Wire modifications were required to standardize capabilities across the F-100D fleet.   RF-100 Super Sabre in flight.   US Air Force Parallel to the development of combat variants of the F-100 was the alteration of six Super Sabres into RF-100 photo reconnaissance aircraft.  Dubbed Project Slick Chick, these aircraft had their armaments removed and replaced with photographic equipment.  Deployed to Europe, they conducted overflights of Eastern Bloc countries between 1955 and 1956.  The RF-100A was soon replaced in this role by the new Lockheed U-2 which could more safely conduct deep penetration reconnaissance missions.  Additionally, a two-seat F-100F variant was developed to serve as a trainer. Operational History  Ã‚  Ã‚   Debuting with the 479th Fighter Wing at George Air Force Base in 1954, variants of the F-100 were employed in a variety of peacetime roles.  Over the next seventeen years, it suffered from a high accident rate due to the issues with its flight characteristics.  The type moved closer to combat in April 1961 when six Super Sabres were shifted from the Philippines to Don Muang Airfield in Thailand to provide air defense.   With the expansion of the U.S. role in the Vietnam War, F-100s flew escort for Republic F-105 Thunderchiefs during a raid against the Thanh Hoa Bridge on April 4, 1965.  Attacked by North Vietnamese MiG-17s, the Super Sabres engaged in the USAFs first jet-to-jet combat of the conflict.  A short time later, the F-100 was replaced in the escort and MiG combat air patrol role by the McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II.   Later that year, four F-100Fs were equipped with APR-25 vector radars for service in suppression of enemy air defense (Wild Weasel) missions.  This fleet was expanded in early 1966 and ultimately employed the AGM-45 Shrike anti-radiation missile to destroy North Vietnamese surface-to-air missile sites.  Other F-100Fs were adapted to act as fast forward air controllers under the name Misty.  While some F-100s were employed in these specialty missions, the bulk saw service providing accurate and timely air support to American forces on the ground.   A USAF F-100F of the 352d TFS at Phu Cat Air Base, South Vietnam, 1971. United States Air Force Historical Research Agency As the conflict progressed, the USAFs F-100 force was augmented by squadrons from the Air National Guard (ANG).  These proved highly effective and were among the best F-100 squadrons in Vietnam.  During the later years of the war, the F-100 was slowly replaced by the F-105, F-4, and LTV A-7 Corsair II.   The last Super Sabre left Vietnam in July 1971 with the type having logged 360,283 combat sorties.  In the course of the conflict, 242 F-100s were lost with 186 falling to North Vietnamese anti-aircraft defenses.  Known to its pilots as The Hun, no F-100s were lost to enemy aircraft.  In 1972, the last F-100s were transferred to ANG squadrons which used the aircraft until retiring it in 1980. Other Users The F-100 Super Sabre also saw service in the air forces of Taiwan, Denmark, France, and Turkey.  Taiwan was the only foreign air force to fly the F-100A.  These were later updated to close to the F-100D standard.  The French Armee de lAir received 100 aircraft in 1958 and used them for combat missions over Algeria.  Turkish F-100s, received from both the U.S. and Denmark, flew sorties in support of the 1974 invasion of Cyprus.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

Country music Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Country music - Essay Example Darius Rucker is one such artist. He was first recognised due to the role he played in a band from South Carolina called the Hootie and Bowlfish. It was through this band that he became famously known as â€Å"Hootie†. In the late 1900’s, the band sold over a million copies of their album and became some of the country’s favourite country music band (Ratiner, 2009). Going solo for Darius was a strong call for him. He went on to make albums that had hits on the American charts for a long time. Among the albums that place Darius on the map include, Charleston, SC 1966 and Learn to Live. This paper will review two of his albums and evaluate how they help shape society and the music industry. Learn to Live is an album that surpassed the expectations of many of the artist’s fans. The album was mostly written by the artist, and some of his friends. These friends included those from his band who helped him reach the pinnacle of his career. It was during the makin g of this album that many saw Darius for what he was capable of achieving. The top hits that made the album famous include It Won’t Be Like This for Long, Don’t Think I Don’t Think About It, and Alright. The lyrics to some of the songs can readily pass on the message that there should be no regrets as to the way life turned out (Ratiner, 2009).

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Has the Arab Spring met the popular demands in North Africa A Case Thesis Proposal

Has the Arab Spring met the popular demands in North Africa A Case Study as Tunisia Negotiates an inclusive governance - Thesis Proposal Example Inspired by the social uprising in Tunisia, the Arab Spring caused similar impacts in other North African states like Egypt, Libya, etc. The extent to which the governments of the North African states have been able to meet the expectations of the Arab Spring and the demands of the people can be found in this thesis work. The thesis work has been conducted with the help of analysis on the secondary data and information on the North African states and the occurrence of Arab Spring that brought about the changes in those countries as desired by the common masses. The Arab Spring is a wave of mass protests and demonstrations that began in the Arab world for the time in the year of 2010. The wave of protests were not only limited to the Arab countries but also spread to the other parts and majorly in the North Africa. Tunisia which is the smallest country in North Africa and is a member of the Arab League has been in the forefront of the news with Arab Spring spreading to the country and other parts of North Africa. The uprising of the Arab Spring in North African States and Tunisia in particular has been mainly due to the discontent of the people in the region on the failure of their governments to establish an inclusive government that upholds the freedom and rights of the people (Perkins, 2013, p.57). The differential treatment of the North African governments on the different sections of the society and the lack of legitimacy of the Muslim brotherhood rulers in providing the basic infrastructure for the growth of the countries have led to the uprising of the people and opposition leaders against the ruling authorities. The North African government, namely Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, etc were unable to meet the rising demands of the people. There were lack of infrastructure for education, health, livelihood and investments. The availability of jobs in the countries was much below the demand for employments. Thus the income level of the people

Monday, January 27, 2020

Paresthesia Case Study: Diagnosis and Management

Paresthesia Case Study: Diagnosis and Management ABSTRACT Parasthesia is defined as a sensory disturbance with clinical manifestations such as burning, prickling, tingling, numbness, itching or any deviation from normal sensation1. Paresthesia of the inferior alveolar nerve can occur during various dental Procedures like local anesthetic injections, third molar surgery, orthognathic surgery, Ablative surgery, Implants, and endodontics. This case report highlights a commonly occurring and often reported problem of Paresthesia involving the Mental Nerve during endodontic treatment. Most of the previous case reports have used radiographs for the diagnosis and management of these cases. Since the radiographic image is a 2 dimensional image it has its limitation while a 3 dimensional imaging modality like a cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) provides the clinician with additional information which can be critical in the management of cases. The exact 3 dimensional location of the mental foramen in relation to the apex of the concerned tooth ca n be confirmed using CBCT scans, helping make more informed diagnosis and treatment plans. This case was successfully managed using CBCT images for guidance during the root canal treatment. INTRODUCTION Parasthesia is defined as a sensory disturbance with clinical manifestations such as burning, prickling, tingling, numbness, itching or any deviation from normal sensation1. Paresthesia of the Inferior Alveolar Nerve and its branches can occur during various dental Procedures like Local Anesthetic Injections, Third Molar Surgery, Orthognathic Surgery, Ablative Surgery, Implants, and Endodontics2, 3. Damage to vital structures in the head and neck area during dental treatment is always a vexing prospect for the clinician. During Endodontic Treatment precautions have to be taken against this, as there is a possibility of injury to a vital structure with the instruments or chemicals being used and also a chance of depositing infected material with their byproducts from the tooth into these areas causing a subsequent immunological response from the body. Today we are able to use 3 Dimensional imaging to locate and respond to such situations much more precisely than ever before4,5.This case highlights a commonly occurring and often reported problem of Paresthesia involving the Mental Nerve during endodontic treatment6.7 which was managed using a CBCT to offer the patient a predictable treatment. Most of the previous case reports have used OPG’S and Intra oral periapical radiographs for the diagnosis and management of these cases. Since these are 2 dimensional imaging technique s they have their limitations. Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) is 3 dimensional imaging modality which provides the clinician with additional information which can prove to be critical in the management of such cases. CASE REPORT A 32 Year old female patient was referred to the Department of Conservative Dentistry with the chief complaint of a dislodged temporary restoration in a tooth undergoing endodontic treatment at a private dental clinic. Patient gave a history of Root canal treatment having been started 2 weeks back. Clinical Examination revealed an exposed access opening and extreme tenderness to percussion. Radiographic evaluation confirmed the history presented by the patient (Fig 1). A differential diagnosis of Periapical granuloma/ Periapical Abscess was recorded and the patient was advised to complete the Root canal treatment. In the first appointment the access opening was refined under local anaesthesia and the pulp tissue remnants were extirpated using a barbed broach followed by temporistion.The patient was recalled after 4 days for Root canal instrumentation. In the second appointment local anaesthesia was administered and working length determination was done using an apex locator (Propex 2,Dentsply) followed by confirmation with a radiograph (Fig 1). The working length was kept at 0.5mm short of the radiographic length of the tooth and the root canal instrumentation was carried out. Saline and Sodium Hypochlorite were used to copiously irrigate the root canal space and instrumentation was carried out with the Protaper Rotary system. The root canal was dried and the tooth was temporized for obturation in the following visit. On the next visit 7 days later the patient complained of Parasthesia of the lower lip from the date of the previous visit. On examination there was Parasthesia of the left half o f the lower lip and its distribution was consistent with the supply of the mental nerve (Fig 2). A close examination of the IOPA revealed the presence of the mental foramen directly below the apex of the treated premolar indicating possible deleterious effects of the previous procedure causing and periapical inflammation and subsequent damage to the mental nerve. A CBCT was taken to confirm the exact location of the mental foramen. The CBCT images confirmed the extreme close nature of the mental foramen to the apex of the treated premolar (Fig 3, 4). The distance between the apex of the premolar to the mental foramen was measured to be 0.4mm by using the CBCT software. Taking this into account the working length was reset at 1.5 mm short of the radiographic apex. The tooth was then instrumented to the new working length and the canals were irrigated with saline and sodium hypochlorite followed by drying using paper points. The patient was advised that the Parasthesia will gradually disappear and that the lip will regain normal sensation and was scheduled weekly recall appointments. The Parasthesia was still present at the one week recall appointment until the 6th week after which gradual normalization was observed. At end of two months the Parasthesia had completely disappeared and normal sensation had returned. Endodontic treatment was resumed keeping the new working length. The instrumentation was completed and the tooth was obturated using F3 (Protaper Dentsply) size gutta percha for apical fill and Obtura 2 with System B for back fill using continuous wave of condensation techniqueA one week follow up was done to confirm the absence of any recurrence of the Parasthesia following the obturation. Finally the tooth was restored with a No.1 size fiber post (Angelus Brazil) and crown was placed (Fig 5). DISCUSSION Dental radiographic evaluation is a fundamental tool for endodontic diagnosis. Conventional Intraoral Periapical radiographs are routinely employed during endodontic diagnosis to examine the tooth, identify the pathology and plan the treatment. However, a conventional radiograph is a two dimensional image of a three dimensional object and consequently has limitations. Numerous prior studies have demonstrated the effective use of CBCT in the assessment of complex endodontic cases .In cases where location of a vital structure such as the mental foramen or the Mandibular canal are concerned the 3 Dimensional imaging capabilities of a CBCT are invaluable. With CBCT and its advanced 3 D reconstruction software, it is possible precisely orient the teeth under treatment with the adjacent anatomic structures across a multitude of planes to get measurable values of distance, which help with the consequent predictable treatment plan. In situations of close proximity of a nerve to a tooth which is being endodontically treated various possibilities of damage to the nerve exist. Mechanical compression of the nerve, Damage to the nerve due to over instrumentation, Extrusion of necrotic debris and toxic metabolites from the root canal space, overfill or the passage of various endodontic materials (root canal irrigants, sealers, and paraformaldehyde containing pastes) into the vicinity of the nerve or its branches. In the present case the most probable cause of the Parasthesia could have been an acute exacerbation of the Periapical infection due to Extrusion of the necrotic debris from the root canal space into the mental foramen space and/or inadvertent direct mechanical compression of the nerve because of over instrumentation of the tooth during working length determination Direct peripheral nerve injury has been previously classified into three basic types: Neurapraxia, Axonotmesis and Neurotmesis 8. Neurapraxia occurs due to a slight compression of the nerve trunk resulting in a temporary conduction block. Neurapraxia of the inferior alveolar nerve or mental nerve will usually manifest as a Paresthesia or Dysaesthesia of the lip and chin region 9. Axonotmesis refers to the actual degeneration of the afferent fibers as a result of internal/external irritation resulting in anesthesia 10. Neurotmesis is the complete severing of the nerve trunk, resulting in permanent Paresthesia which can only be corrected by microsurgery and has a more guarded prognosis (8-10). The most likely form of injury in the present case seems to be Neurapraxia due to either periapical infection or direct injury by over-instrumentation/inadvertent passage of the root canal irrigant or both. The tooth responded well to conservative treatment, and upon completion of the debridement and disinfection of the root canal, the symptoms of periapical infection subsided and Paresthesia started to diminish. CONCLUSIONS The lower mandibular premolars very frequently are in close approximation to the Mental foramen and the Mandibular canal. The pre-operative radiograph does provide us with a 2 dimensional image but better more accurate location can be obtained using the CBCT whenever possible. Finally the best method to prevent any damage to the Mental Nerve is to locate it.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Eymp 5

2. 1 Explain the ways in which adults can effectively support and extend the speech, language and communication development of children during the early years. Adults can effectively support the speech, language and communication development of the child by the parent talking fluently and clearly so the child can hear the patterns of the language they are learning. The adult can also help the child’s understanding of communication by miming the actions they are saying, this help the child put together the actions and words to understand what he adult is saying.An adult can extend the child’s development by introducing new words, and getting the child to use more intellectual words such as ‘dog’ instead of ‘doggy’. Babies communicate by crying for their needs such as for a nappy change or a bottle. Adults can support the child’s development by talking to babies in short phases and high pitched voices and emphasis on key words, this is cal led parentese.Another way that adults communicate with children is by eye contact, if the child has sigh issues then the babies response would be by listening intently and becoming still, as for a baby that is well sighted would ‘dance’ and smile. Adults can extend the child’s communication development by repeating a word to the baby to get them used to the word, and then showing the child the meaning, by also miming and using body language. 2. Explain the relevant positive effects of adult support for the children and their causes. The positive effects of adult support for the children involve improvements in speech, language and communication skills, social interaction, behaviour and emotional development / self confidence. Praising and encouragement are very important when supporting the child’s speech, language and communication development as they need a lot of praising or rewards when the child is speaking correctly.By the adults giving the child rew ards and praising them supports the child as they know they are doing good, and will continue to excel and improve their development, as well as the child gains self – confidence and self – esteem when they are being praised which allows the child to experience new things and experiences, this would help the child’s communication as they would have the confidence to speak up and ask questions. There are a few methods that are used to praise children, one is verbal, such as praising the child by giving them positive comments about what they are doing and how they do things like ‘Brilliant Tony!You played really well’ As this has two positive comments would make the child feel good, and would then go and play well again and this would improve their social interaction as well as their motional development. Another positive method that the adult could use is symbols, such as smiley faces and well done stickers when the child has done something well such as reading, this would have a positive effect on the child development as they feel confident as they can read well or playing well, which could lead to the child trying to learn and do more things as they feel good about themselves.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Marketing †ethics Essay

Marketing ethics is an area that deals with the moral principles behind marketing. Ethics in marketing applies to different spheres such as in advertising, promotion, pricing. However, for purposes of this essay, the ethics of advertisements will be dealt with especially in relation to children. (Mohandeep, 2001)) Many marketers and analysts have agreed that children are marketer’s best friend. This is backed up by evidence from watch groups such as Media Channel. In the year 2007, they highlighted the fact that in the United States, close to two billion dollars was spent on advertisements to children. It was also revealed that children greatly affect the commodities their parents buy. Estimates done in this field show that projects tailored for children in the year 2006 totaled fifty two billion dollars. (McGee and Heubusch, 1997) Regardless of all this potential returns that children can give manufacturers and their marketers, there are key ethical issues that arise in the discussion. For example, do children have the capability of understanding some of the intricate marketing tactics? Do children possess the final buying power? Do marketers need to get permission from their parents? And do children understand the negative effects of some of the products advertised to them? These key questions will be analyzed in relation to business pressures then recommendations will be made. Key ethical issues in marketing to children Some companies have become notorious for the utilization of psychologists in their advertising and marketing campaigns. Normally what such companies do is that when trying to create marketing strategy, they will involve psychologist to tell them about tactics that they can use to influence children. Since psychologists understand the way child’s mind works, they can help marketers create campaigns that will be directly aimed at them and those ones that can easily influence their choices. This trend has becoming so alarming that the American Psychological Association has raised an alarm about it. They have set up a committee to estimate the effect that the involvement of psychologists in the marketing process of children’s products has on them. The group has asserted that no psychological principles should be used when marketing to children. They are also recommending that there should be some sort of strategy to protect the young ones from exploitation though the use of psychological ploys. (Beder, 1998) The basic framework which steers marketing ethics revolves around three main issues. These are: values, stakeholders, processes. Marketing ethics that are done on a value inclined framework are those one that involve the analysis of the kind of value that the marketing idea creates. So advertisements may instill in their target audiences positive or negative attributes. This all depends on their implementation. For example, an advertising targeting a child may become a problem if it violates the right to privacy, transparency, honesty or autonomy. By using psychologists in the process of creating advertisements for children, marketers are imposing upon children’s right to autonomy and transparency. They try studying children’s behavioral trends and then use this to exploit those children. This is quite unethical. The process oriented framework in marketing ethics is founded on the basis of analysing marketing ethics through the categories that marketers use. For example research, promotion and placement must be done in an ethical manner. This is something that marketers have chosen to ignore because their research is not done in an ethical manner. Their research involves using psychological experts who may use their knowledge to take advantage of children who belong to vulnerable groups (Lizabeth, 2001) Targeting children alone Marketers who create marketing campaigns that are just directed towards children only are engaging in unethical marketing practices. This is because children are naive. They are at a stage of development called proximal development. At this stage, children simply take up elements of what they perceive in the world around them and then use it in various aspects of their lives. There is a certain level of trust that children have over and above than one of adults. They lack the ability to weigh arguments in a sober and even sometimes a cynical way. Consequently, this makes them very vulnerable to exploitation. (Murphy et al, 2004) Examples of advertisements that are directed towards children alone are those ones that have cartoon characters and are seen as specifically meant for children. At that point, children will feel like they are the only ones with the ability of purchasing the item yet it is their parents who have to foot the bill. Unethical advertisements are those ones that do not involve getting consent from parents. Most of the time such advertisements are usually aired in the afternoon during kid’s programming sessions. They usually create desires in children to have those advertisements at all costs. When advertising is done without parental consent; that is when children are watching shows on their own then it became unethical. Children are too young to realize the manipulations that are going on through television or media advertisements. They also do not realize the financial pressures that come with the purchase of items. It would therefore be unethical for marketers to leave parents out of their marketing strategies. Normally, ethical advertisements are those ones that require children to get their parents involved in the marketing place. This can be achieved by stating it directly in the advertisement. It can also be achieved by limiting some children’s products in parental magazines or targeting families in general instead of just children. (Waymack, 2000) Advertisements targeting children alone have shown their effects in a number of ways. In the year 2007, it was found that about fifty eight percent of all the items purchased by children (through their allowances) are sweets and toys were the next highest items to be purchased by children. This took up a whooping thirty percent. Toys and candy are all items that are advertised directly children hence the staggering statistics. (Davidson, 2002) Advertising to children alone brings out very fundamental ethical issue. It highlights the power analysis issue in marketing. Any form of marketing that claims to be ethical must adhere to the power balance principle. The scales must not be tipped towards the consumer neither should they favor the marketer either. When marketers target vulnerable markets, they tend to make the situation favor them. This is what is called caveat emptor in marketing. It is an unfair scenario and is also exploitative in nature. (McGee and Heubusch, 1997) Types of products, manner of advertisements and other qualities can indicate whether or not an advertisement is targeting children. It should be noted that there are certain elements that if conducted by marketers may be deemed unethical for example, when an advertisement is made in such a manner as to imply that it is meant for children. Some elements to watch out for are: music, images, voices, color. These are all elements that are meant to draw on children’s attention. Besides this, there may be certain activities expected to captivate children such a drawing, then those advertisements may be meant for them. Besides that, some advertisements may have characters that are designed for that demographic group. Sometimes some advertisements may be placed in publications that are usually read by children alone. They may also be placed in areas that have children. (Murphy et al, 2004) All these features can be deemed unethical if they will be seen or heard by children exclusively, For example, if the advertisement is placed in a publication that is read by children alone then this is unethical because there is not parental consent there or if it is broadcast at times when children could be watching without parental consent. (Lizabeth, 2001) Sometimes the kind of content in the advertisements matters too. Advertisements that are created in such ways as to make children feel less about themselves if they lack that product may be deemed unethical. Also advertisements that will promote harmful products to children are also unethical. For example, there were certain toys from China that had an excess of chemical elements and exposed certain risks to children who were playing with them. If advertisements possess those characteristics, then they may be considered unethical. Responsible marketing The issue of marketing itself has two main components. The first group is made up of the abolitionists and the second are the libertarians. The abolitionists believe that all advertising to children is wrong and that it should be completely eliminated. But this is something that is unrealistic and cannot be feasible in today’s fast paced and commercial world. The other extreme is held by the liberalists who believe that advertisements to children should be left as they are. They insist that society shapes advertisements and that advertisements do not change moral values. But this is denying the obvious. The fact that children in the UK and even in other parts of the world spend the largest portion of their leisure time watching television implies that they will pick up some of the habits depicted on their screens. (Waymack, 2000) In light of the above facts, it is important to come up with a compromise on the issue through taking up responsible marketing. Children can still be considered as a target audience for marketing of retail products, however, this should be conducted in such a responsible and socially sustainable manner. There are three main alternatives available for marketers targeting children and these are: viewing children as docile consumers, viewing children as non-consumers, viewing children as informed consumers. Choosing the non-consumer part would not be very market friendly because as it has been seen from earlier parts of the essay; children have substantial levels of buyer power. It is would therefore be uneconomical not to tap this very valuable market resource. On the other hand, viewing children as docile consumers causes a lot of ethical controversies that have been raised earlier. Consequently, the most sustainable form of marketing should be viewing children as informed consumers. Marketers need to advertise and market their products in such a way that there will still be room for them in the future. This will be effectively achieved by informing children about marketing ideas. This will enlighten them and give them a very valuable asset; choice. (McGee and Heubusch, 1997) Informing children about the intricacies of marketing at an early age will go a long way in ensuring that children can understand the fundamentals of the commercial world. It will mean that children’s naivety will not be taken advantage of and that they will have the power to decide for themselves whether or not products are good for them. The ethical issues that have been brought forward stem from the fact that children are too young to understand the main reasons behind marketing displays. Informing them about this will drastically reduce those ethical concerns and will at the same time still allow marketers to go about marketing their products. (Beder, 1998) It should be noted that some countries like Sweden have argued that children can understand the effects of commercial marketing after reaching the age of twelve; some have suggested four and others ten. They claim that at that point, be it 4, 10, or 12, children can understand the commercial world and the exploitation tendencies that their worlds present them. Consequently, human rights groups claim that marketers should not target children that fall below that group. But that debate can be eliminated if children below those established ages are made aware of the commercial world. Regulations This is something that is already in place, but still needs more emphasis. Advertisements should not be aired during children’s programming as they are likely to be unsupervised at that point. Governments should institute statutory regulations on television advertisements. Advertisements should also be edited such that they do not seem to appeal to the child directly. They should be made in such a way that they will involve the parent or family. (Mohandeep, 2001)) Conclusion Advertisements to children have sparked off lot of controversy resulting in various reactions in various countries. However, experts agree that unethical marketing occurs when advertisements are directly aimed at children without getting consent from parents. Organisations can go about this issue through regulating their content, changing their times and embarking on a consumer education to make their young audiences aware. (Waymack, 2000) Reference: Beder, S. (1998): Marketing to Children, University of Wollongong Journal Lizabeth E. (2001): Marketing With A Conscience: Sales and Ethics; Journal for the US Dept. of State Mohandeep S. (2001): Ethics in Marketing; Encyclopedia of Business and Finance Davidson, D. (2002): The Moral Dimension of Marketing; South-Western Educational Journal Murphy, P. et al (2004): Ethical Marketing; Prentice Hall Waymack, M. (2000): The ethics of selectively marketing the Health Maintenance Organization, Journal of Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics, Issue 8, Volume 11, Pages 301-309 McGee, T. and Heubusch, K. (1997): Getting Inside Kids’ Heads; American Demographics, Vol. 19, No. 1.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Essay on The Women - 770 Words

The womens suffrage party fought for years on the right to vote. They werent going to stop until they got their right. For instance, Alice Paul organized a parade through Washington D.C. on inauguration day, which supported womens suffrage and also picketed the White House for 18 months. Paul was put in jail for that and started a hunger strike. Susan B Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Shanton supported the womens suffrage for fifty years later. Neither of them lived to see the 19th amendment ratified on August 26, 1920. The amendment was ratified under Wodrow Wilson as the President of the United States. Now with the 19th amendment, women have the right to own property, be employed, get an education, get a divorce, and get custody of†¦show more content†¦In 1916, Jeannette Rakin of Montana became the first woman to be taken into the United States House Of Representatives. There were seventy-five women who had major roles in womens suffrage. They were ver important and did a lot o f hard work for the womens suffrage. Some of them were: Susan Brownell Anthony arrested for trying to vote Elizabeth Cady Shanton wrote the Declaration of Sentiments Alice Stone Blackwell was the recording secretary Harriot Stanton Blatch founder of the Womens Political Union Amelia Bloomer publisher defending women and how they dressed in New York. Lucy Burns helped organized the Congressional Union Carrie Lane Chapman Catt became president in 1915 Lucretia Coffin Mott started the first womens rights convention with Stanton and her sister Martha Wright in New York Anna Howard Shaw was President from 1904 to 1915 Charlotte Perkins Gilman wrote a book about women independence. Alice Paul picketed the White House for womens suffrage 240 WOMENS SUFFRAGE By definition, womens suffrage is the right for women to vote. Womens suffrage started back as far as the 1600s. I am going to talk about the 1800s. 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